I changed into Tray 11 on Friday June 30th just before bedtime as per usual. No pain or soreness anywhere noticeable when I woke up Saturday morning. I'm not sure what teeth are moving this week; but I do know that with my Invisalign on my front teeth almost overlap, also my top left canine and bottom left canine can touch in a certain spot, but in the same spot my right canines cannot touch.
When my Invisalign is off it's even more interesting, my top front teeth are definitely sitting over my lower front teeth, they do not completely cover them, but there is definite movement from Tray 10.
With changing the trays every week now I definitely notice changes more often then at the start.
Jane and I are missing each other due to holidays for our OMT appointments for most of this month. So I'm to continue moving on to the next weeks exercises weekly and we'll catch up eventually!
Not much else to report at the moment.