Monday, October 16, 2017

Refinement Tray 1 - Day 3

Well I received my refinement trays on Saturday October 14th. There are 16 in this phase, but only 13 are "active" trays. They also changed my attachments. I lost the ones on my front top two teeth and then my bottom 6 attachments were changed. I've now got 11 attachments.

I don't remember the first attachments giving me this much trouble when they first got put on. There is on specifically on my bottom lower right hand tooth that is on the larger side and seems to be irritating me a bit.

Also I was excited that I don't have to start wearing elastics yet (for now).

So I go back on December 9th for my next appointment and I'll be on Tray 9 at that time because I'm back to changing trays every week now.